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时间: 2017-06-21 11:02  来源: 求医网   编辑: 萌萌



  Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome, or DLS, is a common, progressive loss of function of the lens inside the eye. It is an age-related condition which occurs in everyone between the ages of 45 and 60.


  DLS is characterized by the progressive loss of the natural flexibility and clarity of the lens.


  At first, DLS is largely unnoticeable, but over time, the symptoms start to manifest. If after years of nearly perfect or 20/20 vision, you start to notice that your near vision gets blurry and your "arms are getting longer" - you may be suffering from Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome. There’s no cause for alarm, as this condition is very common and it is treatable.

  起初,老花眼的症状在很大程度上是不明显的,但随着时间的推移,症状开始显现。你会注意到你的近视力开始模糊,你的“手臂越来越长” - 你可能患有老花眼(功能不全的晶体综合症)。 没有任何理由的预警,因为这种情况很常见,并且可以治疗。

  DLS occurs in three stages – all of which are curable.


  The first stage is characterized by a loss near vision. It commonly occurs in people in their 40s; they start to notice that they can’t see as well as they used to see. This condition affects near vision. You find it hard to read a book, magazine or a newspaper without a pair of reading glasses.

  第一阶段的特点是近视力的丧失。 它通常发生在40岁左右的人; 他们开始注意到他们看不到以前可以看到的东西。 这种情况影响近视力,你会发现看书,杂志或者没有一副阅读眼镜的报纸很困难。

  The second stage occurs mostly in people in their 50s and 60s; the quality of vision both at near and far distances diminish. You find it difficult to read or see in the dark, and you need more light to read.

  第二阶段主要发生在五十和六十岁的人; 近距离和远距离的视力质量下降。 你发现在黑暗中难以阅读或看到,你需要更多的光来阅读。

  The third stage of DLS occurs in people after their 70s and is characterized by the appearance of a cataract. This is the clouding of the lens of the eye, leading to loss of vision on some or all fields of vision.

  第三阶段发生在70岁以后,其特征是出现白内障。 这是眼睛晶体的混浊,导致某些或所有视野丧失视力。

  Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome is treatable!


  Treatment of this condition involves replacing old stiff and dysfunctional lens with a Zeiss Trifocal lens that now performs the function of your natural lens for near, intermedia and far. Also called Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE), or Clear Lens Exchange (CLE), it's a procedure with twofold benefits for the aging eye. During the surgery, which occurs in topical anesthesia as out-patient procedure, without any pain and takes about 8 -10 min., The multifocal lens corrects any existing nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, and also eliminates the patient’s inevitable future development of cataracts in the crystalline lens.

  这种情况的治疗涉及用到蔡司三焦点晶体取代老化,僵硬和功能障碍的晶体。该晶体替代自然晶体的功能让你看清远中近。 也称为折射晶体交换(RLE)或透明晶体交换(CLE),这是一个对老化眼睛有双重好处的手术。 在外科手术期间,作为门诊手术进行局部麻醉,无任何疼痛,约需要8〜10分钟。三焦点晶体可以矫正任何现有的近视,远视和散光,并消除患者不可避免的白内障发展。

  With this new lens, you are able to see both near and far, and you are able to see clearly! No need for reading glasses, no need for contact lenses, no itchy or runny eyes from frequently wearing and taking out your contacts, no need to constantly adjust your reading light. You can now drive, workout, go fishing, play sports, run out of the house without having to go back for your reading glasses or your contact lenses. Most patients can start normal work after 2-3 days.

  有了这个新的晶体,你可以看到近和远,而且你可以看的很清楚! 不需要阅读眼镜,不需要隐形眼镜,没有瘙痒或流眼的眼睛,不需要不断调整你的阅读灯。 你现在可以开车,锻炼,去钓鱼,玩运动,出门去浪,而不必回头去找你的眼镜或隐形眼镜。 大多数的患者可以在2-3天后开始正常工作。

  The best part of the whole treatment is that the procedure is a once-and-for-all procedure. It is a permanent procedure with permanent results.

  整个治疗过程中最好的部分是它是个一劳永逸的过程。 这是一个永久性的成果。

  Is the procedure safe?


  Yes, the lens implantation procedure is completely safe. With the right eye high volume surgeon from Euroeyes, one who is experienced and has been tried and tested, you have nothing to worry about. Why settle for poor vision when you can see clearer?!

  是的,晶体植入的过程是完全安全的。 来自德视佳的手术医生,经验丰富,经过严格的测试,您无需担心。

  Euroeyes eyes clinics offers patients a better vision and a life without glasses. There’s a better way to see the world, and it’s with an extraordinary clarity you may never have imagined.

  德视佳眼科诊所为患者提供了更好的视力和无“镜”的生活。 为大家提供一个更好的方式来看世界。你可能永远想象不到,原来你的世界可以如此清晰。

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